Ross Guest

Ross Guest is a certified iRest Yoga Nidra teacher. He is also a Level V Supervisor for the Integrative Restorative Institute, which helps students utilize the iRest protocols through the certification process. He has studied with Dr. Richard Miller for over 17 years, attending over 20 retreats with him. Ross is also the Director and Financial consultant to the iRest Institute, and hosts a regular Men’s Yoga class at Creekside.

Ross’ iRest expertise lies primarily in utilizing the practical applications of iRest meditation to help reduce or relieve sleeplessness, stress, anxiety, and chronic pain. His interest is in facilitating multi-session trainings and one-on-one personal practices, and seeing his new yoga students gradually improve their lives through a regular yoga practice. 

He is also a husband, father, grandfather, and retired yoga teacher, and lives in Kimberley. 

Areas of expertise:

  • Certified iRest Yoga Nidra teacher

  • Meditation for anxiety and stress relief