Station 4:


Your core is, literally, at the centre of everything you do — and improving its strength can boost your athletic performance, improve posture, and increase flexibility.



1. Single Leg Balance: Stand on leg leg to challenge your balance. Bend your knee slightly and avoid locking it.


2. Airplane with Forward Reach: Stand on one leg. Lean forward by hinging at the hip, keeping your back straight and the free leg in line with your body. Reach forward with both arms. Go as far as possible until you feel a tension from the hamstrings of the support leg. Return to the starting position and alternate.


3. Single Leg Hops: Standing on one leg, jump to a comfortable height while driving up with your arms. Keep the knee, hip, and torso stable and aligned.


4. Heel-Toe Walking: Walk heel to toe, placing one foot directly in front of the other, in a straight line.


5. Heel-Toe Walking with Head Movements: Walk heel to toe, placing one foot directly in front of the other, while glancing side to side.