Your hands are the point of contact between you and the world around you.


At Creekside, we have two of the only Certified Hand Therapists in the East Kootenays. (There are only 242 CHTs in all of Canada!)

Kari and Jane are highly-skilled and extensively-trained practitioners who are here to take care of this complex part of our anatomy.

Certified Hand Therapists have an incredible amount of experience, including 4,000 hours of direct practice in hand therapy and the successful completion of a comprehensive international exam of advanced clinical skills and theory. Because of the profession’s constant evolution, every CHT must recertify every five years, and demonstrate continued professional development. This is no small feat!

 Kari and Jane are highly-trained in rehabilitating a wide array of painful conditions – not only in the hands, but any part of the upper extremity: the shoulder, upper arm, elbow, lower arm, or wrist, too. This can include anything from simple finger injuries, to arthritis, to recovery after a stroke – and so much more.


Healthy, well-functioning hands and arms are a huge part of feeling engaged with life. They complete the most mundane and the most extraordinary of tasks for us! Dysfunction in these areas can be incredibly difficult, both physically and mentally. If you’re experiencing any discomfort in your hands or arms, we invite you to book an appointment with Kari today: she can support you with pain from your shoulder to your fingertips, and anything in between.

Meet Kari and Jane here!


check out these blog posts to learn more about hand health: