We’re happy to offer online appointments — also called tele-health — at Creekside. These remote sessions allow us to support patients who can’t or don’t want to come to the clinic, whether that’s because of mobility issues, illness, health precautions, or simply convenience.

Our virtual appointments are available for Physiotherapy, Kinesiology, and Clinical Counselling.

This means you can receive your treatments much like you’d FaceTime a friend, only we use a secure Zoom link to meet with you. Sabrina, our fantastic office manager, will help you schedule and set up your appointments, and connect you with the right practitioner for your needs. We’ve made everything as simple and easy for you as possible, with an electronic consent form and a straightforward booking process.

Virtual appointments allow us to connect with our patients all over the Kootenays, and we’re actually able to connect with anyone from anywhere in BC, the Yukon, or Northwest Territories, too.

Thankfully, most insurance companies have agreed to cover these virtual appointments, and we offer direct billing. If you’re curious about whether your insurance provider is on this extensive (and growing!) list, just fire a quick email to Sabrina and she’ll let you know: info@creeksidephysiotherapy.ca.

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Our video appointments typically run for 30 to 45 minutes. They allow us to offer you various resources to self-manage any pain you’re experiencing; education and advice that’s catered uniquely to you so that you can feel your best; and, of course, exercises that you can do at home. Your practitioner will be able to give you demonstrations as needed.

Even with physical distance between us, it’s as important as ever for us to be able to provide you with the healthcare you need. As your practitioners, we take pride in standing in your corner and being available to help you through physical issues that come up, even when you can’t make it to the clinic in person.

So, if you’re experiencing any joint, muscle, or mobility problems, or are interested in supporting your emotional and wellbeing through Clinical Counselling, but can’t make it in to visit us in person, this will be the perfect option for you. 

To ensure a fantastic appointment, you can set up your device so that the camera faces an open space that you’re able to move around in, wear comfortable clothes, and be sure you have enough privacy to focus. However, we also recommend having someone else around the house, in case of an emergency or any technical difficulties.


To book your appointment, or to have any questions answered, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us in any of the following ways. We’re here to help!

Send us an email to info@creeksidephysiotherapy.ca,

or call our clinic at 250-427-2202,

or simply fill out a contact form here.

We look forward to hearing from you!