Why You Might Need Compression Stockings

Sure, you may have always thought that compression stockings were only for the elderly, or only to prevent the feeling of heavy and aching legs. But in fact, these easy-to-wear garments can help a wide range of people, of all ages and activity levels, and can effectively prevent more serious pain and illness down the road.

Compression therapy, which is what’s utilized by these knee-high socks, works to move blood, lymph, and other fluids up the legs from the feet, back towards the heart. Compression stockings create a “pressure gradient,” by applying the most pressure at the ankle, and then gradually decreasing it toward the top of the sock.

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Because veins and our lymphatic system aren’t pressurized, these fluids can sometimes have a hard time making their way back up from the feet on their own, as they have to work against gravity.

This can cause that heavy and achy feeling, and can also lead to complications if left untreated — chief among them Deep Vein Thrombosis (or DVT), which is when a small and often unnoticeable blood clot forms. In rare instances, it can break away and travel to the lungs, where it can get stuck in a blood vessel there. This is called a pulmonary embolism, and can be very dangerous.

Complications aren’t necessarily always that serious though, and they can be milder yet still impactful on daily life. The aches, pains, and swelling that can result from improper drainage can put a damper on our efforts to remain active and, as a result, our healthiest. It can also cause varicose veins, spider veins, and eczema.  

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Thankfully, compression socks can provide an easy solution by naturally preventing this. Some us are more likely to require or benefit from them, including pregnant women, who experience more weight to bear and reduced physical activity — putting them at a higher risk of DVT. 

People who sit all day at a desk for work often benefit from compression socks, too; this is because our calf muscles essentially work as a pump to bring those fluids back up to the torso. Sitting all day causes the calf muscles to completely disengage, so they don’t have an opportunity to do that job.

While some compression stockings are readily available from the drugstore, it’s best to get your pair custom fitted. This will result in not only a higher-quality product, but also the chance to reap more benefits from compression therapy and to truly experience its efficacy.


Thankfully, your fittings can be done right here at Creekside: our office manager, Sabrina, was certified in 2017 to fit compression stockings, and she’ll happily help you out. The cost of your stockings and fitting are covered under extended medical plans with a prescription from your doctor or physiotherapist, and there are lots of different styles and colours to choose from, too! Creekside is a proud supplier of Bauerfiend compression socks, some of the best on the market.

Whether you’re already experiencing the effects of insufficient fluid drainage, or simply want to prevent it, we’re here to help you get set up with compression therapy. Your legs — and whole health — will thank you for it!